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2021 Olympics: Look Out for a Local Legend!


By Claire Brackenbury | May 10, 2021 |

The International Olympic Committee has tentatively planned for the Tokyo 2021 Olympics to happen this summer from July 3rd to August 8th. As of now, Olympic athletes will need to undergo regular testing and the number of fans attending Olympic events will likely be limited. While the Olympics are sure to look a little different than normal, if they happen at all this year, the KSS community can look forward to cheering on a familiar Kingstonian and KCVI alumni as she competes for Team Canada in sailing.

Ali Ten Hove is the skipper of a 49er FX sailboat and has qualified for the Olympics along with her teammate, Mariah Millen. Their team placed 4th in Peru during the 2019 Pan Am games. It has undoubtedly been a different year in terms of sailing competition for the pair; they have not done an international fleet race (which is a competitive sailing race around a course) for 13 months. Ten Hove is eager to get back on the water and compete.

Ali is a graduate of KCVI and was an active member of KCVI athletics and leadership. She was also a part of the Kingston Yacht Club’s junior sailing program. It is exciting to see that an athlete from our school community has achieved great success and will have the opportunity to represent Canada in the Olympics.

Whether you love sailing, sports or simply want something exciting to look forward to this summer, keep an eye out for Ali Ten Hove in the upcoming Olympics; the local legend is a star sailor and, even better, a KCVI alumna! The sailing competitions are planned to happen between July 25th and August 4th this summer. Be sure to cheer her on from your living rooms!

By Claire Brackenbury


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