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Mental Health Monday Week 7

| By Sadie DeArruda | April 11, 2022 |

Mental Health Monday will feature every Monday in The Bears Bulletin for the next few weeks to help students navigate their COVID ruts! Feel free to work through the activities in order, or mix and match with whatever days you want.

  1. Take a hike!

  2. Take some time to colour today.

  3. Try to bake a treat for a friend or family member.

  4. Check-in with a family member, ask about their day.

  5. Get outside today and feel the sun’s warmth on your face.

  6. Write a thank-you note

  7. Clean/declutter your room, even just a little bit.

Grounding tool of the week:

Think about a category that you could name multiple things from. Take a moment to list all the things you can think of that fit in that category.

Ex. ice cream flavours, flowers, Olympic sports, types of crackers

It’s time to start a brand new year, with lots of memories to be made! Have a great week, KSS.

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