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Brief Update on the New COVID-19 Guidelines


By Nathalie Froment | April 5 2021 |

Thursday, April 1st, Premier Doug Ford announced that all of Ontario will enter an ‘Emergency Brake’ as of 12:01 am, Saturday, April 3rd.

Because this decision has been called an "Emergency Brake" and not a Stay-at-Home order or complete lockdown, school will continue in-person, as normal.

The Emergency Brake will close:

All personal care services such as hair and nail salons;

All indoor and outdoor gyms;

All day camps scheduled to run during March (April) break.

All restaurants will be restricted to take-out, drive-thru, or delivery only.

All stores that primarily sell food or medications will be limited to 50% capacity, while non-essential stores that do not sell food or medications will be limited to 25% capacity.

People shall gather in groups of 5 or fewer, both inside or out.

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